A Ruined Painting

The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O Lord, is everlasting. You will not forsake the works of Your hands. Psalm 138 Note: I carried this lesson around with me for almost two years before I was ready to put it into words. Thanks to Mara for letting us enjoy and learn from her art. I would like to share with you a parable of sorts. I have a friend in Sheridan named Mara Schasteen . Among other things, Mara is a painter who creates still-lifes, landscapes, and portraits. Her most magnificent work, in my opinion, involves aspen trees and chickens. Yes, I said chickens. Now, anyone who can make a chicken look magnificent (Really. I mean it. Stop that snickering . ) has some phenomenal talent and dedication. Mara is becoming "kind of a big deal" in the art world. She is also a wife and the mother of four children; her youngest, Emme, loves to play in the studi...