Assorted Pictures

 I'm going to use this post as a place to put a few pictures for posting on other forums, with no particular rhyme or reason.  Mostly bow tillering pictures.  Feel free to enjoy if you're interested in that sort of thing.  If you aren't, my feelings aren't hurt.

This is a ruffed grouse.  My first kill with a home-made bow!  It was delicious.

hickory pyramid bow on the tillering tree

After whacking two inches off the top limb:

More tillering 12-5-21
24" draw.  

Full Draw.  Looks a little stiff through the right mid.

12-9 Full Draw.

12-18 Full Draw.  After heat treating hinge on right side fade.

12-18 Full Draw with stiff spot highlighted

12-14 Full draw, after some work with the Gizmo to eliminate the stiff spot.

A juniper stave.  My first locally-harvested bow stave.  Excited to try to get a bow out of this one.

Attempting to chase a ring on a juniper heartwood stave

Sinew on the back!

I got it tillered to 30# before tragedy struck.

Finally blooded Big Red.  It ain't an elk, but it's a start.

Hickory short bow:  Process pics

Scorched the inside curve

Knot in the handle.  Cut out?

Broken backing.

Tillering after repairing broken back.  Long string, pulled to 40#.

Juniper-sinew kids bow, 10# @ 16"

Back to work on hickory-dogbane shorty.

Up from the ashes:  Hickory/rawhide at 23".



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