
Showing posts from June, 2016

45 Things I Have Learned

Today, I complete my forty-fifth trip around the sun.  If the numbers pan out, I should be about halfway to the finish line of this race we call life.  I'm happy to announce that some of the aid stations in this race have bacon.  And I'm pretty sure I'm on my way to a PR.  I've tried to keep my eyes open and pay attention along the way, and I have picked up a few lessons that I try to live by.   Here are 45 of them--just one per year, because that's about as fast as life-lessons can penetrate my skull. 1.  Determining the right thing is seldom complicated.  Doing the right thing is seldom easy. 2.  A person who will not ask for help in time of need is just as morally screwed-up as a person who will not offer it. 3. If you ever hear yourself saying, "God wants me to be happy," beware.  God wants you to be faithful.  The happiness will follow. 4.  Here's the cure for boredom:  Find something that needs done.  Go to it. 5.  There