I released a CD. Sort of.

The world continues to alternately shut down and open, but the music goes on.  I released a CD in March.  Sort of.  I had scheduled a performance right at the beginning of the covid mess, which I had to cancel.  As of right now, there's no realistic prospect of doing a live performance (my lead cellist is about to head off for college, among other things).  This makes me very sad:  Getting all those musicians together to do a live performance would have been absolutely magical. But, onward we go.

So.  I actually didn't release it all. But it's done, and it's out there, and I'm fairly pleased with it.  It's been getting some play on Wyoming Public Radio and Pilgrim Radio (the regional Christian station), so that's good for the ego.

The album is called Strengthen.  Some of you might remember that I lost my mom a few years ago; these songs were inspired (and a few of them were written) by her.  All of them deal with various aspects of meeting adversity with faith, courage, and an ornery smile.

I'll tack on a little video sampler that I made.  If you, dear reader, would like to part with some of your hard-earned money, you can buy CDs or digital songs through my website, www.whistlingbadger.com.  If you're broke, ask me nicely and I'd probably send you a free copy.

And please, by all means share this video on social media, with friends, family members, random strangers you accost on the street.  I would really like people to hear this music.



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